Infant Brain Circuitry Strengthens Steady Vision

Infant Brain Circuitry Strengthens Steady Vision

In our continuous journey through life, the ability to maintain a steady gaze while moving is something we often take for granted. This article delves into the fascinating world of a unique brain circuit that makes this possible, a reflex known as the “vestibulo-ocular reflex.”

This reflex is a remarkable feature found in vertebrates, a group that includes us humans and a host of other animals, from primitive fish to mammals. Simply put, this reflex enables our eyes to counter-move instantly in response to any shifts in our body’s orientation, which is sensed by our balance system, located in our ears.

Why is this important? It is this reflex that allows us to perceive our surroundings stably. Without it, our world would bounce around every time we moved our head or body. This can happen if the reflex is impaired due to trauma, stroke, or a genetic disorder.

A recent study led by researchers from the NYU Grossman School of Medicine has uncovered some interesting information about this reflex. It was previously thought that this reflex and other similar brain circuits are fine-tuned by feedback from our senses, like vision and balance organs. However, this new research has revealed something quite different.

The researchers observed that the maturation of this reflex in newborns doesn’t require sensory input, a finding that took them by surprise. This was discovered through experiments done on zebrafish larvae. These creatures have a similar gaze stabilizing reflex to humans and are transparent, allowing researchers to observe maturing brain cells directly.

The findings of this study, published in the journal Science, may help in developing new ways to tackle pathologies that affect balance or eye movements, according to the study’s senior author, David Schoppik, PhD.

A series of experiments also showed that the vestibulo-ocular reflex matures without the input of a gravity-sensing vestibular organ known as the utricle. This led the researchers to theorize that the slowest-maturing part of the brain circuit must dictate the development pace of the reflex.

They found that the slowest part of the circuit to mature wasn’t in the brain, as previously assumed. Instead, it was at the neuromuscular junction – the space between motor neurons and muscle cells that move the eye. This pace of maturation perfectly matched the rate at which fish improved their ability to counter-rotate their eyes.

Dr. Schoppik and his team are now focusing their efforts on studying this circuit in the context of human disorders, particularly those involving the ocular motor system, like strabismus (misalignment of the eyes). They are also exploring how balance circuits develop and the impact of such development on interneurons that integrate sensory information from the eyes and balance organs.

This study is a significant step forward in understanding how vestibular circuits emerge, which is crucial for addressing not only balance problems but also brain development disorders.

While the findings of this study can be complex to comprehend, comprehending the intricacies of our eyes and brain is fascinating. It’s a reminder of the importance of eye health, and how regular check-ups, be it for cataract surgery, laser, lasik, or general assessments, can help maintain optimal eye health. For those in Mumbai, Shankar Netrika Eye Centre, led by Dr Navin Kumar Gupta, offers comprehensive ophthalmic diagnostic and therapeutic services. To learn more, visit

Dr. Navin Kumar Gupta

Director, Shankar Netrika Medical Retina Specialist Retina Fellow, University of California, Irvine, USA (2008-2010) Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, USA (2007-2008) Anterior Segment Fellow, Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai (2004-2006) Affiliate of SEE International, Santa Barbara, USA Collaborator and Advisor of Phaco Training Program, Anjali Eye Center

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