Mumbai eye doctor: Cortex aspiration...
Simcoe irrigating and aspiration cannula comes in different bore sizes. From 21 gauge to 24 gauge. Which gauge is preferable? Do narrower and thinner Simcoe...
Simcoe irrigating and aspiration cannula comes in different bore sizes. From 21 gauge to 24 gauge. Which gauge is preferable? Do narrower and thinner Simcoe...
Pseudo-controversy is the creation of controversy or an argument when there is room for none. Somewhere in July of 2016, a case of cluster endophthalmitis made...
What to do in a case of extreme vasovagal syncope and collapse Be prepared for emergency anytime/anywhere in your work area •Have crash carts ready...
Vitritis is a fairly common condition and is the most consistent sign of intermediate uveitis. The term “pars planitis” is used when intermediate uveitis...
Fungal Subretinal Granuloma Case Presentation A 50 yr male with diabetes and on treatment for multiple myeloma (in remission) was admitted with...
The most common systemic manifestation of Toxoplasmosis is lymphadenopathy especially involving cervical lymph nodes. Ocular toxoplasmosis is primarily...
Fuchs like uveitis Etiology CMV Rubells Herpetic Toxo Sarcoidosis Study shows that AC tap showed equal number of Toxo antibodies and PCR positivity as compared...
Copyright of this paper belong to Dr. Shilpi Agarwal and Aravind Eye Hospital This paper has been republished for the sole purpose of learning and...
I am attaching here a power point presentation of constituting fortified eye drops Fortified eye drops 1-11-15 This great presentation belongs to Dr. Sushmita...
The 7th RetNet meet had recently concluded Many of the issues discussed have been beautifully summarized by Dr. Shanmugan and his team. You can download the...
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