Gene Therapy Trial Leads to...
In a significant advancement for a rare inherited vision disorder, gene therapy has been credited with drastically improving the eyesight of patients, with...
In a significant advancement for a rare inherited vision disorder, gene therapy has been credited with drastically improving the eyesight of patients, with...
The rising number of syphilis cases in the United States in recent years has led to an uptick in ocular syphilis – a manifestation of the disease...
The crucial role of the blood-retinal barrier in guarding our eyesight from infections is well-documented. This barrier shields the retina from microbial...
The field of ophthalmology continually witnesses novel developments and findings, which can significantly impact patient care. One such area of interest is the...
Have you ever pondered about getting rid of your eyeglasses or contact lenses through LASIK surgery? Since LASIK is a voluntary procedure, it is often not...
Recent insights from a research team led by the University of California, Irvine, have unveiled a significant connection between the frequency of sleep apnea...
Capsular bending is a phenomenon observed in the aftermath of a cataract surgery. The anterior capsule gets attached to the front surface of the intraocular...
Vision disorders are a global issue, affecting one in three individuals worldwide. The complexity of the human eye often leaves many eye conditions...
Chronic wounds, which fail to heal over several months, are a medical concern for over 6.5 million Americans. These wounds often contain bacteria that can...
A major breakthrough in the field of Ocular Oncology has been the successful validation of a prognostic tool by the Collaborative Ocular Oncology Group Study...
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