Protecting Your Eyes from COVID-19: A Guide for Eye Health

Protecting Your Eyes from COVID-19: A Guide for Eye Health

In the face of the global spread of the Coronavirus, it has become imperative to understand how we can protect ourselves. One overlooked aspect of this is the protection of our eyes, nose, mouth, and hands, the primary entry points for most common viruses, including the Coronavirus. By comprehensively safeguarding these body parts, we can significantly curb the transmission of the virus.

Understanding Coronavirus Transmission Through the Eyes

Several scenarios can facilitate the spread of the Coronavirus and other viruses through the eyes:

1. Close Contact with Infected Individuals: When we come in close contact with an infected person, any sneezing, coughing, or talking from them can potentially transfer the virus onto our face, including our eyes, leading to infection.

2. Hand Transmission: Our hands can be carriers of the virus. Touching an infected surface and then rubbing or itching our eyes can lead to the virus entering our bodies through the eyes.

3. Virus-Laden Clothes: Rubbing our eyes with a virus-infected cloth, such as a handkerchief, can also lead to direct transmission of the virus into our eyes.

Strategies to Curb Coronavirus Spread

As per the available information (as of 25th March 2020), the following measures can help prevent the transmission of Coronavirus:

1. Seek Medical Attention: If you experience any symptoms of the Coronavirus, promptly consult your doctor.

2. Avoid Crowds: As Coronavirus spreads from person to person, it is prudent for an infected individual to self-isolate and steer clear of crowded places.

3. Mask Up: Wearing a mask can significantly help control the spread of the Coronavirus, as the virus primarily spreads from an infected person’s nose and mouth.

4. Limit Face Touching: If you suspect the presence of people infected with the virus around you, refrain from touching objects, and most importantly, avoid touching your facial parts subsequently.

5. Use Protective Eyewear: Recent findings reveal that viruses can travel through the air and enter our bodies through the nose or eyes. Hence, wearing protective glasses can be beneficial.

6. Hand Hygiene: Always wash your hands before touching your facial parts to prevent virus transmission.

Stay vigilant, stay safe, and prioritize your health above all else.

Dr. Navin Kumar Gupta

Director, Shankar Netrika Medical Retina Specialist Retina Fellow, University of California, Irvine, USA (2008-2010) Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, USA (2007-2008) Anterior Segment Fellow, Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai (2004-2006) Affiliate of SEE International, Santa Barbara, USA Collaborator and Advisor of Phaco Training Program, Anjali Eye Center

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